Good News Tuesday: Everything is a Present

There's so much negative news in the world, some of us have chosen to stop reading and/or watching entirely.I'd like to help change that.Every Tuesday, I'll highlight an article I find that focuses on GOOD NEWS. This column is called Good News Tuesday.Spread the word.This week's entry comes to us from Karma Tube (via Tony Robbins).At age 108, Holocaust survivor Alice Herz Sommer still practices piano for 3 hours every day. At age 104, she had a book written about her life: "A Garden Of Eden In Hell." At age 83, she had cancer. Alice survived the concentration camps through her music, her optimism and her gratitude for the small things that came her way - a smile, a kind word, the sun.When asked about the secret of her longevity, Alice says: "I look where it is good."Enjoy this lovely interview with Alice Herz Sommer and Tony Robbins.[vimeo w=640&h=360]Video from KarmaTube

"The secret of Happiness is Freedom, and the secret of Freedom is Courage" - Thucydides


For more on Good News Tuesday, please visit the GNT page.

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Can dreams come Drew?